What is blockchain security?

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a chain of blocks one after another. Each block holds a certain amount of information, which is linked in a chain in the chronological order of its own generation.

The chain is stored on all the servers, and as long as one server in the system works, the whole blockchain is safe.

These servers, called nodes in a blockchain system, provide storage space and computing power for the entire blockchain system. Tampering with information in a blockchain is extremely difficult because it requires the consent of more than half of the nodes and modification of all the nodes, which are usually in the hands of different parties.

Compared with traditional networks, blockchain has two core features: data is hard to tamper with and it is decentralized. Based on these two characteristics, the information recorded by blockchain is more authentic and reliable, which can help solve the problem of distrust among people.

From the above explanation, you can think of blockchain as a secure decentralized data ledger, a ledger that cannot be tampered with. Used to record the number of transactions in the network, asset tracking. The Economist once likened blockchain to a trust-making machine.


The most viable application of blockchain technology lies in its notary nature. With blockchain technology as the basis, the information obtained by blockchain technology is real and reliable, so people do not need to be guaranteed by third-party platforms like Alipay for transactions. Therefore, some people say that blockchain has the characteristics of "going to the third party".

Today, blockchain technology has evolved from Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0 with numerous upgrades and more advanced features.

Security performance of blockchain

Block chain basic working process, when A node A to node B transfer, transaction information will be in the form of blocks of all effective in the broadcast to the network in the form of P2P node, the node authentication mechanism through consensus on the blocks, the correctness and effectiveness of recognition when the blocks, the blocks in order is added to the existing network block in the chain, The transfer from A to B is completed. Because the information in the blockchain is agreed upon by most nodes in the network, it cannot be erased or tampered with, and all nodes can read and query transaction information.

Since the blockchain does not rely on authentication and management of the central node, it can also transfer the correct information over an unreliable network, which prevents the risk of data leakage and authentication failure caused by attacks on the central node.

Block chain through the distributed node consensus mechanism to resist the attack of malicious nodes, provides a new security protection idea and mode for network security, has great application potential in the field of network security.


Blockchain enhancements in network resilience, transparency, and encryption enhance blockchain's position in the CIA (Confidentiality, integrity, and Availability) security model.

However, because blockchains are designed and built by people, they are still subject to human error, bias or exposure based on use cases, subversion and malicious attacks.

Application of blockchain in network security

Because the data on the blockchain cannot be tampered with, it can be used in some scenarios and applications where data security is highly emphasized. Examples include decentralized voting across agencies, collaboration on medical and scientific data, and decentralized metadata.

In finance, the transparency and traceability of blockchain can make payments more transparent, which reduces the need for a central broker. It can also improve the security and privacy of transactions such as remittances and cross-border payments.

Transactions on the blockchain are not limited to the financial world and can be used for any verifiable interaction. As malicious software "updates" in supply chain attacks become more frequent, authentication of software updates has become a good network hygiene practice.

Blockchain can help organizations validate updates, download and install software patches with product developers. It also helps prevent supply chain attacks.

Several components of blockchain can be applied to identity protection, authentication, access management, and more. These features have many security advantages for sensitive data protection. Blockchain technology can alter the information stored on the chain.

Blockchain can also be used to prevent identity theft. Since blockchain uses cryptographic keys to verify identity attributes and credentials.

With multiple signature access control and decentralized administration, you can help prevent fraud by any identity impostor.

For example, owners can prove their ownership and entrustment; Professionals can have their own "immutable" certificates, which are not restricted by jurisdiction, reducing counterfeit certificates. Creators can also retain full rights to their media, thus improving copyright protection.

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