The true core of the meta-universe

In fact you have one foot on the yuan universe inside, do you think it out of reach, is just were brought into the erroneous zone, RMB do you think the universe is hardware, such as must be dressed, or develop a brain-machine interface, and then into another world, like a dream in the air with the smell of burning science fiction, right, this is yuan appearance of the universe, Appearances are only deceptive. For example, sharks and dolphins look like brothers, but one is a fish, one is nursing, one breathes by gills, and one breathes by lungs.

If you look at the essence, you will find that the metasomes are neither high-tech wearables nor eight elements of low latency immersion. The real core of the metasomes is time. How much time you are willing to spend in this new system determines whether it is a metasomes or not, and whether it makes sense or not? If there is no time basis, no matter how sophisticated the system, no matter how high-tech equipment, is a pile of rubbish. Imagine, you put on your latest device, you enter the metasomes with one click, you switch back and forth between virtual worlds, empire here, NFT land there, and then 20 minutes later you come out and say tomorrow, but this is not the metasomes, it's just a big game that you play occasionally.

aee3c8b328e83af86bfb8d86ebbde0f2The meta-universe's value base is time, and all of its architecture only makes sense if you're willing to spend 12 or more hours a day. Time and the meta-universe are just like people in a city. A city without people, no matter how good roads, new buildings or luxurious shopping malls, is in essence a ghost city. Where there are people, there is wealth; where there is time, there is ecosystem. The competition of the metadverse is the real world, and the only resource that is really scarce for humanity is the world. You only have 24 hours in a day. Do you spend it in the real world or in the virtual world? This is the core competition. It does not mean that the meta-universe is achieved when the eight elements are satisfied, but that only with time as the foundation can the eight elements have the value of existence.

Yuan the shape of the universe is the Internet, the Internet is the nature of competition in the world, and it is in a virtual world has set up a new ecological, then take you real time, before the Internet, all of the transactions are offline, you buy food, buy a clothes, talk about a business, writing a love letter, all to go offline, but after the birth of the Internet, We find that more and more time is being eaten away by him, and more and more actions are being pulled away from the physical world.

So, if the universe is a higher life, so the Internet is a single-celled organisms, the creature in the constantly evolving, from the beginning of the email to later, the portal to the later social mobility, it is becoming more and more higher, more and more complex, occupy the time more and more, now it becomes a short video, Short video is a black hole that can lock your time. When you open the screen, you can't stop. When you squat in the toilet, you will feel vaguely wrong without your mobile phone. It doesn't matter if it's a BRAIN-computer interface or an ELECTROcardiogram implant, VR glasses or a photosensitive device, it's just the smallest detail of how it's presented. The nature of the meta-universe is time.

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