How to look at the number of gold in one mouthful

1 thought on “How to look at the number of gold in one mouthful”

  1. One -bit price of gold can be seen through the product specifications or barcodes. For 3D or K gold products, if the specifications are M2D521X, the number of gold priced gold products is 2.521 grams. For foot -gold products, there is a string of numbers under the barcode of foot gold products. If the last number in the barcode number is 435, then the weight of the price of gold is 4.35 grams.

    is relatively simple to see the number of gold prices. Generally, each jewelery will correspond to a product label, and the label is in addition to the product name, bar code, and a specification, among which of which, among which of which, among which, there is a specification. Among them The secret is in the barcode and specifications, and people can understand the grams of gold products through specifications or barcodes.

    Mitage gold is selling gold directly at the price, rather than the price of grams. At present, most of the golden jewelry of Golden Store is sold at a price, so the general gold shop staff does not do not. It will tell the buyer that the number of gold products is the same. At this time, the buyer must understand the actual gram of the product based on the specifications or barcodes.

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