3 thoughts on “Measurement method of pure gold jewelry content”

  1. To calculate the gold content of gold products, it can also be calculated: the gold content of gold products = x ÷ 24 × g, G means the weight of the gold product. Such as 4 grams of 18K gold content = 18 ÷ 24 × 4 grams = 3 grams (g).

    . Golden authenticity is good to identify the eight methods

    The general methods of the authenticity of gold and falseness include color discharge, pivotal, seeing rhyme, testing soft and hard kind. In addition, there are four types: there are four types of throwing method, burning test method, reagent method, and viewing the printing marker method. The following introduces the following:

    1) Differential color:

    The saying that gold is "seven greens, eight yellow, nine purple, and ten red" Different and different colors. The experts believe that the jewelry of 70 % of the gold is yellow, 80 % of the gold, and the golden gold, and the gold is 90 % of the yellow medium purple, and the gold is 10 % red. The pure gold is soft, and it is generally not used to make embedded jewelry. Therefore, all inlaid gold jewelry claims to be 24K and there must be fraud.

    2) The pivotal weight

    The proportion of gold is 19.3g/cm 0.6. The relationship between the color and the proportion is large. When the proportion is close to 19.3, the higher the pure gold. At 18.5, the gold contains 95 %, and the gold contains 90 % at 17.8. As long as the proportion is measured, the color of the jewelry can be seen, but it can generally be in the hands. If there is a slightly heavy feeling, it can be perceived, because other metals with the same weight, such as silver, copper, tin, lead, etc. the same. Compared with other metals with the same size, silver accounts for 45 % of the gold weight, copper accounts for 46 %, tin accounts for 38 %, and lead accounts for 59 %. It can be seen that the gold body is small and heavy. You should be vigilant for the stupid and light jewelry, and carefully discern whether for fakes or semi -fakes.

    is worth noting that many of the golden jewelry sold in the current market are Asian gold products. The so -called Asian gold is actually a little bit of gold. It is a alloy material made of metal such as copper, aluminum, nickel, and has the characteristics of high hardness, abrasion -resistant and color -resistant color.

    3) See the rhyme

    The high -colored jewelry, throwing on the cement floor, there will be dull tap sounds, sound without rhyme, no powerful, commonly known as dead sound. On the contrary, the low -collision gold jewelry is thrown on the cement floor with rhymes and sharp sounds, and a slight jump.

    4) Test soft hard

    The higher the color of the gold jewelry, the softened, the more elastic, the real gold can be used with a light mark or a needle. Broken pattern, and it will not change color after burning (not extremely high temperature). Low -colored and fake are the opposite.

    5) Throwing method

    The sound of real gold is thrown on the desktop and the ground. Essence

    6) Fire Burning Test Method

    "Real Gold is not afraid of fire refining", that is, at a high temperature of 1000 ° C, it does not fade or does not dissolve. Change. Put the gold jewelry on the furnace surface or the tiles to bake until red. After cooling, the surface color remains unchanged.

    7) The reagent method

    is to test with 45 % nitric acid: gold has no change, silver becomes black, and copper is green foam. This is because the chemical properties of gold are stable and will not be oxidized in any state, and it is also very stable in water, air, hydrogen sulfide or salt, or alkaline environment. Gold is soluble in any kind of single acid, which is only dissolved in the king water (the volume of the volume of the hydrochloric acid and nitric acid is based on a mixture of 3 to 1).

    8) View the printing marker

    The gold jewelry produced by regular production plants, all covered with gold content and production plant marks, such as 24K, 14K, etc.

    It as a reporter, it is generally a fake.

  2. 黄金的鉴别rn黄金分为生金和熟金两大类,生金主要有砂金和矿金两种;熟金又有清色金(含有白银)、混合色(含有银、铜、 Lead and other metals)
    and K gold. The identification of gold is mainly the "Four Lessons". That is, preliminary admission, grinding stones, nitric acid, and welding medicine. The latter three methods have strong
    and require certain conditions.
    The preliminary booking is easier to master. There are four main methods:
    . Differential color. Looking at the color of the golden appearance, commonly known as "seven greens, eight yellow nine five red", pure gold light and glitter, mixed gold there is a numbness.
    . Looking at whether it is commensurate with the size of the size, the shape is large and lighter may be adulterated.
    three, compromise. The gold jewelry is folded with the hand, the softer is high -definition gold, and the low and mixed are not soft. Small piece of gold can be bent with both hands, the clear gold is soft, with wrinkles at the folding; the low -colored steel is hard;
    four, knocking. Two of the same gold jewelry collided, the high -colored person's voice, low golden sound, mixed gold, his voice became fooled.

    It how to buy gold jewelry

    1. Printing: According to national product standards, there should be a successful logo "Football 990" or "Thousands of Gold 999", manufacturers Seal.

    2. Color: golden yellow or bright golden yellow, and copper's glossy eyes.

    3. Weight: The density of gold is more than twice that of copper. The same volume of gold and copper, gold has obvious falling hands.

    4. Hardness: Use nails on foot gold or thousands of foot gold, with small traces, but it cannot be drawn on the copper.
    Oshly to buy embedded jewelry

    1. Check whether the gemstone on the decoration is loose.

    2. It is best to have an appraisal certificate from a local testing agency.

    3. Observe with the help of related detection tools, for example: magnifying the mirror, diamond pen, etc.

    4. Through testing and comparison, more choice experience will be available.
    It how to buy K gold series jewelry
    1. K gold is divided into yellow K gold, red K gold, white K gold, and color K gold. It is popular in the Chinese market.
    2. K gold is divided into 22K, 18K, 14K, etc. According to its content, and there must be manufacturers' marks, it must be carefully confirmed.

    3. Calculation of gold content

    "K" in gold -made works represents its gold content. The gold -containing rate of gold products = x ÷ 24, x is the number in front of "K", 24K is sufficient gold. For example, the gold content of 22K gold = 22 ÷ 24 = 91.7 %.

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