What is the pricing goal

What is the pricing goal

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  1. The pricing goal is the purpose and standard of conscious requests when the company formulates prices for its production or operation. It is the main factor in guiding enterprises to make price decisions. The pricing target depends on the overall goal of the enterprise. Enterprises in different industries, different enterprises in the same industry, and the same enterprise may have different pricing targets under different periods and different market conditions.

    The pricing target refers to the expected purpose that the enterprise must achieve through the determination or adjustment of the price of specific commodity. rnrn定价目标大致有以下几种:追求盈利最大化;维持或提高市场占有率;实现预期的投资回收率;实现销售增长率;适应价格竞争;保持营业;稳定价格、 Maintain corporate image.

    The pricing strategy, a very critical part of the marketing portfolio. Price is usually an important factor affecting the success or failure of transaction, and at the same time is the most difficult factor in the marketing portfolio.

    The expansion information:

    The pricing target of retail stores has the following 5 aspects.

    Ce profit target

    Maximizing profit is the goal of each retail store. In order to obtain target profits, retail stores will pricing goods in accordance with the internal gross profit margin policy.

    Sales target

    In the customer's customers to obtain the largest market share, at the cost of reducing gross profit margin, and formulating competitive prices. Traditional business views believe that pricing aimed at sales or market share is to engage in price competition and combat competitors by reducing price reductions and discounts. This is a one -sided understanding. The formulation of competitive price level does not mean entering the market at a low absolute price level. It should refer to goods or services that give customers value at a certain price level.


    In the off -season in the market, the inventory pressure of clothing stores is large. In order to maintain the business or basic sales of retail stores, retail stores usually take low -key prices Policies set the price at the level of micro -profit or balance.

    Promotional targets

    The prices of various types of products sold in retail stores often have a certain degree of correlation. The impact is that the cause of this phenomenon is not the price linkage of complementary products or alternatives, but that customers have an overall judgment on the price level of each store, and this overall judgment is often based on a few commodity projects.

    competition goals

    The clothing market is a free competitive market. Clothing stores are very concerned about competitors' competitive behavior, especially price changes. When competitors adjust their prices, they must analyze the motivation and impact of its price adjustment, and formulate corresponding price strategies. For powerful clothing brands, its market strategy is based on long -term operations, requires relatively stable prices, and generally does not participate in price competition.

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