Where is the Xinjiang Hetian jade seed material cheaper?

3 thoughts on “Where is the Xinjiang Hetian jade seed material cheaper?”

  1. Of course, it is cheaper to go directly to Hetian City, Xinjiang, because most of the Xinjiang Hetian jade we often say is actually flowing from Xinjiang Hetian City, so you can buy it in Hetian City, Xinjiang.
    The local bazaar is what Uyghur friends call Dabaz. There are many Uyghur friends selling Hetian jade seeds and also selling Heada finished products.
    although they just started buying Hetian Yufang, they are all high in asking, but most of these asking prices are virtual prices. You only need to talk about the price with him. so cheap.
    and there is a Hetian jade seed material and rough monopoly market on the side of the Yulong Kashi River in Hetian. In this market, most of the Hetian jade is purchased in batches, so the price is really cheap.
    of course, it is not just Hetian City's Hetian jade seeds, but it is more jade in Xinjiang Hetian City. The surrounding areas and surrounding cities in Hetian City are sold in Hetian jade seeds. Therefore, it is cheaper to buy Xinjiang Hetian jade seeds in these places.

  2. There are often Yuyou running to Xinjiang, buying a piece of Hetian jade, and returning to his own city for comparison. He feels that you may be expensive. After buying jade in the jade cities in the first -tier cities, it was found that it was much more expensive than some other places. There are many Hetian jade markets across the country. Where to buy jade is the cheapest? Xiaobian () explain to you.
    1, Hetian Yu does not have absolute pricing standards.
    For example: a piece of sheep fat and white jade, only two people are willing to buy in Xinjiang, then the price of this stone will not rise significantly. When 20 people are willing to buy it, its price will inevitably rise a lot.
    is there any standard for the price of Hetian jade? Yes! But this standard is related to the market and a relative standard. For example, the price of jade parts in malls is generally higher, because the advertising costs of the management cost rental personnel are huge, and it cannot be cheap. Different large -scale jade cities or jade wholesale markets are different, relatively low operating costs. And the price comparison conditions are convenient! The price of jade is more costly and reasonable.
    2. The price of Hotan jade is related to the maturity of the local market.
    It said that, the less people understand the place where the jade is, the more outrageous the price of the jade. The most expensive place may not be first -tier cities, and it may be a small county or prefecture -level city.
    The asymmetry of information makes some places not only chaotic prices, but at the same time, there will be a matter of selling dog meat to sell dog meat. People who know jade are how much the proportion is. There are huge population bases such as Beishangguang, and there are fewer people who understand Hetian Yu in comparison. The consumption power of these cities is strong! Buyers are generous, and the price of Hetian jade on the market naturally rises! For example, you go to the Panjiayuan market in Beijing to see, there are many fakes, and things are expensive.
    3, the most important point is industrial maturity.
    What is the so -called industrial maturity? For example, if you live near a jeans processing base, there are companies around the jeans industry. Then you have a high probability of buying cheap and high -quality jeans! Because the industry is mature, you can easily ask for cost prices and sell many sellers. in this regard. Xinjiang Urumqi, because of its geographical resources, and consumers are relatively mature, the market maturity is also good. Because there are basically no other categories in the pure Hetian jade market, many people like to go to Xinjiang to buy jade. But everything is relative. When more and more people go to Xinjiang to buy jade, Xinjiang's jade is also rising, and most of the fakes are also from the source of the market. chaotic. So I don't have to run to Xinjiang to buy jade.
    The precautions for buying jade:
    . When buying jade, consider the market size and maturity of the land, don't just look at the door face! This is the most important point. High -end products are also discussed (but you must know what high -end products are).
    . Looking for a professional market, do not find those who sell everything, just participate in Hetian jade merchants and markets. Unless the reputation is extremely high!
    three, the online purchase of jade, the most of the evaluation of the price comparison is always wrong. It is recommended to choose a professional large -scale seller.
    . Do not go to places with relatively low maturity of consumers with high cost -effective things, and do not blindly start.
    The last thing to say is that Xiaobian often runs markets in various places, and you still have some understanding of market markets in various places. The last true experience is that you can buy jade is cheap. Picking a small leak is like a leak. It is difficult to fly, and the fake goods are full of sky. If you want to buy a mid -to -high -end Hetian jade, you must also rely on luck.
    It today's Hetian jade market is already very mature. As long as it is not fakes, one penny and one penny is already a very qualitative law.

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, first, to buy Hetian jade in the origin. Xinjiang is an important output of Hetian jade. If you can go to Xinjiang to buy Hetian jade, there is less layer of middlemen. The price can naturally be cheaper. When buying Hetian jade in Xinjiang, you must remember to bargain, because the prices given by the merchants over there are virtual high. However, buying Hetian Yu in the place of origin has certain requirements for your appreciation ability. Otherwise, it is easy to buy fake goods, and it is easy to buy low goods at high prices. In addition, if there is no way, you can only buy big roads when you go to Xinjiang. Generally speaking, this method is not suitable for novices. The second is to buy it in a physical store. This is the most secure method, but we cannot go to those small shops that have been unknown, because there is no guarantee, it is easy to buy fakes. It is a more reliable approach to a professional jade shop with reputation and reputation. However, this method also has a big flaw, that is, Hetian Yu often sells high, and the real bargaining is very low. After all, the jade physical stores are all open in a densely flowing place. The high rental, labor costs, and hydropower costs are eventually transferred to consumers. The third is to buy online stores. In the same way, we must choose an online store with reputation, credit, and strength,nHope it helps you

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