Where is the place where Hetian jade in Xinjiang is

5 thoughts on “Where is the place where Hetian jade in Xinjiang is”

  1. The traditional Hetian jade is produced in the Hetian area of ​​Xinjiang.
    The overall quality is high, so the market price is relatively higher than other places, especially high -quality sub -materials. Xinjiang's white "sub -material" has a goose ovate. Generally, the block is small, the body is smooth, the texture is tight, and the color is the best in white.
    The "mountain material" in Xinjiang's white jade is large, with irregular angles, and the texture is thicker than the material. The color is more blue and gray. The size of the "Gobi material" is different, mostly sheets, with smooth surfaces, and often with ripples and sand pores with different sizes. The texture is delicate, tight, and hard. "Mountain flowing water" and "Gobi" are similar in shape and texture, but the block is slightly larger and the color is whiter.
    The expansion information:

    CB/T16552-2003 "Names of Jewelry and Jade", Hetian jade no longer has the meaning of origin, that is, the main minerals are the nephrite of the glitter. They can be called Hetian jade, and Hetian jade can also be called nephrite.
    Ip, in addition to Xinjiang, China, there are more than 120 flashes of flashes of flashes of flashes in the world, distributed in more than 20 countries and regions: Russia, the United States, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Poland, New Zealand, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, etc. Among them, Canada output is the second place in the world. These minerals are snake -like rocky -type flaspy stone jade, mainly jasper, Russia, South Korea, and North Korea produced white jade. Only the Hetian jade in Xinjiang belongs to non -snake -patterned rocky jade because of special geology.
    Reference materials: Hetian Jade-Baidu Encyclopedia

  2. Xinjiang Hetian Jade has always been in the inside and outside, known as the "hometown of jade", and gradually formed huge markets such as the processing, trade, scientific research, and quality appraisal of Hetian jade. There are more than 2,000 listed distributors in Urumqi.
    It, there are Hetian jade shops in Hetian, Aksu, Kashgar, Korla, Shihezi and other urban areas. There are also many jade distribution stores in counties in the counties such as Qiwei, Minfeng, Yutian, Ruoqiang. Home, and in recent years, it has been developing and has been engaged in tens of thousands of people in the jade industry.
    The placement of Hetian jade in Xinjiang is an exposure to an exposure mine, which is the most famous jade producing place in China. The mine is located in the Kunlun Mountains, about 80km south of the Uyghur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, at the source of the Alamaz Valley in the Creya River. Native minerals are produced in the linked white cloudstone marble contact belt of the metamorphic dandruff-carbonate rock built by the metamorphic debris-carbonate rocks of the Guangu Ji County in the late Haixi.
    The expansion information:
    The two jade areas in Yicheng County and Tashkurgan County, there are about 100 jewelry shops, mainly concentrated in Kashgar City. Kashgar is a tourist city, without its own jade processing industry, mainly selling Hetian jade raw materials. There are several small Hetian jade workshops. The finished products are mainly targeted at the tourism industry. It is not open from December to April of the following year.
    Theya "Bazaar" every Saturday and Sundays in various counties in Kashgar. Every two days, jade traders in nearby counties will be concentrated here for transactions. Most of them are Hetian jade raw materials.
    Korla is the political, economic and cultural center of the whole state. The urban infrastructure has been improved. With the development of Tarim's oil, it has risen rapidly and its economic development is rapid. The Hetian jade market in Bazhou is mainly concentrated in Korla and Mochi County, and there are about 200 Hetian jade sales stores. And the Hetian jade cultural festival is held in the early September of the county, which mainly auction of Hetian jade raw materials.
    Reference materials:
    Baidu 100-family-Xinjiang Hetian jade
    Baidu Encyclopedia-Hetian jade n

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hetian jade distributed in Kunlun Mountain in the south of the Tarim Basin. From the west of the Arazi Mountains in the east of the Tashkurgan County in the Kashgar area, the Chinese ClassicsnSanglag, Tiekrik Tag, and Lewashtag in the south of the field area, east to and the northern wing of the south of the south of the county.

  4. Hetian jade, one of the "four famous jade in China" (the third is Lantian jade in Shaanxi, Liaoning Saitama, and Dushan Yu, Henan). The traditional narrow -minded category refers to the jade produced in the Hetian area of ​​Xinjiang, and is famous for its "sub -material" in Hetian; Hetian jade refers to nephrite (Zhenyu). Although Hetian jade is named after Xinjiang Hetian, it is not a regional concept, not specifically refers to jade produced in Hetian area, but the name of a type of product. China has named Hetian jade with more than 98%of the ingredients, all of which are within the scope of the national standard. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [5] [6]
    When Qin Shihuang unified China, Hetian Yu was called "Kunshan Jade" because it was produced in Kunlun Mountain. Located in the "Yu Nation" and is called "Yu Saitama". It was not officially named "Hetian Jade" until the 9th year of the Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1883). [7]
    The famous products in Hetian jade are the "Queen's Seal", which is treasured in the Shaanxi History Museum. The texture is Xinjiang Hetian Sheep fat jade. Forbidden abroad (border) exhibition cultural relics [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]. In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Huibao "China Seal", it also adopted Xinjiang Hetian jade as a material.

  5. Yulong Kashi River: Yulong Kashi River, the famous ancient Baiyuhe River. This river originated from Kunlun Mountain. After flowing into the Tarim Basin, it is 325 kilometers long with the Karakashi River. The river is 325 kilometers long and there are many tributaries. The basin area is 14,500 square kilometers. The main river of jade. People picking jade is mainly in the middle reaches, and the upstream is difficult to reach due to the dangerous terrain. After discovering Bai Yu in the Heishan area (one of the birthplaces of the seed jade), it brought new hope to the Jade people, and people risked. Heishan, known as Karlang Guitak, was one of the main peaks of Kunlun Mountain. The peak reached 7,562 meters. The location of the jade production is Agju to change the valley. This is one of the tributaries of the Yulong Kashi River. It is about 30 kilometers from the Rishan Brigade of Kashtashi Township. , Glacier above the snow line is covered with 5000 meters above sea level, relatively high 600-1000 meters. The front edge of the ice tongue of the glacier is often melted near the snow line near the ice line. The tongue of the glacier is as high as tens of meters to 100 meters. Essence Xue Rongshui has a flood once a day. The floods rush down the river along the river. The ice cubes and ice layers are also exposed. The jade produced in white jade and ink jade. This area should be native and Saitama Mine, which is one of the main sources of the Ziyuzi of the Yulong Kashi River. The Yulong Kashi River is about 20 minutes' drive from the center of Hetian City. White seed jade is produced 50 kilometers upstream, and leather seed jade is generally produced in the downstream of the river. After the local people are in the mountains, in winter and spring, they often have the habit of picking up jade in the river. They pick up jade in the middle of the river, and the upstream and downstream are difficult to reach due to the dangerous terrain.
    The area of ​​Hetian jade: Hetian jade is distributed in Kunlun Mountain in the south of the Tarim Basin. In the west of the Kashgar area, Antaga and Arazi Mountains in the east of Tashkurgan County, the Sanglag, Iron in the south of Hetian area Criktag and Lewish Tag, east to and the northern wing of the south of the south of the county. Hetian Yucheng Mining Belt is more than 1,100 kilometers in a row. The native mining and mines of Hetian jade are distributed above the mountains. The altitude is above 4000 meters. Many Hetianzi jade is also produced in many rivers.

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